Nowadays, medical practioners have included alternative practices to their patients as part of rehabilitative therapy.  Foremost, it is simple yet inexpensive.  Secondly, these alternative treatments deal with numerous discomforts and pains. One of these is acupuncture, through this treatment, chi is believed to flow naturally after the treatment  which gives feeling of relief and comfrot from headache, muscles pain or fever.  However, a therapy called as Ear Candling which is known even during ancient times has placed arguments and controversies among  medical practitioners and the patients likewise.

For many thousand of years, almost every culture, uses Ear Candling. Various practitioners of this age still  recommend and offer  ear candling treatment which is known to lessen symptoms of headaches, earaches,sinus infections, sinus pressure and many more.  The treatment  is used with a special kind of candle, which is known as  Ear Candle. This is a hollow candle made of muslin cloth soaked in paraffin or bees wax. The ear candle is to be inserted to a plate with a hole. The plate has dual purpose, to cover the face in case of falling candle debris and to balance the candle during therapy.


The heat and the hollow from the ear candle assists in the generation of the vacuum, thus the treatment requires  a vacuum mechanism.  It gradually and gently sucks out the earwax, toxin and pressure from the ears and sinuses.  It does not give pain and discomfort.


The treatment is said to alleviate sinus pressure, sinus infections, sinusitis, relieving pressure points of tension, in other words gives soothing and relaxing therapy.  Practitioners believe that ear candling can bring balance and promote healing.

The Debate:

Ear Candling is very popular in the year 2006 or 2007.  Many have tried the treatment because of media and different form of advertisements.  Many people  attest of its positive and beneficial effects in human body.  After the treatment, many are impressed and amazed of its holistic results.  However, due to numerous  negative reports of medical researchers that ear candling is ineffective and dangerous, FDA did not approved the practice, yet many people are still opt  to try and use this treatment and brings relaxing effect to their body afterwards.
9/27/2012 03:23:52 pm

Thank for your informative posts. This can be very useful for my clinic. Keep sharing your knowledge with us.

More power!


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