Whenever driving in a car, the convenience will cause us to be complacent. Our autos are a very safe and comfortable environment. Modern luxuries are included which are designed to make the experience as pleasant as possible. Air conditioning, sunroofs and other modifications keep us cool in blazing hot summers. Interior heating, heated seats and a host of other adaptations make journeys possible even in the height of a very cold winter.

Numerous drivers use their vehicles in mid winter without wearing any warm clothes or making any preparations should we suddenly be found without the use of the car. It is in the most extreme weather conditions that this most often happens. The high heat of summer can cause engines to overheat and cut out. Cold weather in winter can not only cause our cars to become less reliable, it can cause delays beyond our control such as blocked roads, downed trees or snow drifts.

It can also be possible to be involved in an accident in perfectly normal weather so it is important never to become complacent. You should make preparations for these sort of events and hope they never happen. One of the most important precautions you can make is to carry a car first aid kit. A first aid kit could save your life or the life of someone else. The simple, low cost items in a first aid kit can be very useful in an emergency situation where medical attention may be required quickly. A small cut into an artery can cause heavy bleeding and death in minutes if untreated.

A car first aid kit takes up very little space. Often vehicle manufacturers design a storage space for them in the car. A good emergency first aid kit will contain bandages, scissors, plasters, microfiber tape, painkillers and some form of antiseptic. If you have any special medical requirements you can add other vital items such as insulin or inhalers to the emergency first aid kit. If you use any special medication at all you should keep some spare in a first aid kit for emergencies as you never know when you will lose your main supply or not be able to travel home as planned. It is also a good idea to add a foil blanket as these can save lives in cold weather.

These types of items have been used in the past to save lives in first aid kits. A travel first aid kit is not only useful in an emergency though. It can increase comfort on a journey by taking care of minor inconveniences such as small cuts and head aches. A few painkillers and plasters can make a lot of difference to your comfort when you are way from home. If you plan on walking you may develop sores and blisters on your feet which can irritate all day. With a simple plaster you can get on with enjoying your trip again. If you suffer from indigestion it can also be a great idea to include some indigestion tablets in the first aid kit.

You can acquire ready made travel first aid kits for a very reasonable price or even make up your own with these low cost items and a small plastic storage box or container. Before you set off on a long journey, or any journey in bad weather you can also add a few other useful items such as high calorie long lasting food like peanuts, bottled water, warm clothes, a fold away shovel and some simple tools such as an adjustable spanner and screwdriver for minor repairs.

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